In 2023 our team supported the City of Palermo in developing the feasibility study submitted to the Italian Presidency of the Council for hosting the European Anti-money-laundering Authority.
In 2022, Weplan supported the City of Asti in bidding to become the 2025 Italian Capital of Culture. On January 23rd 2023 the Ministry of Culture annaunced that Asti had been shortlisted among the 10 cities that reached the final phase of the process to elect the 2025 Italian Capital of Culture.
Between 2020 and 2021 and in partnership with other major players of the events industry, Weplan has developed a feasibility study to assess a potential bid of the City of Genoa for the 2025 Horticultural Exhibition, building upon the great experience of Euroflora.
In 2019 we were proudly involved by ISO as international experts to help developing the first International Standard for Citywide Events: a new standard to help cities and regions to manage major events like the Olympic Games and other large crowded events, with public safety, security, resilience and legacy at their heart.
In 2018, Weplan has supported the Rotary District 2024 in developing a comprehensive proposal for a structured local development programme based on the successful experiences of the Aquaplus project in Haiti, Tanzania and Sud Sudan to be applied to other areas affected by strong migration flows towards Europe: a little tile in a wider mosaic of the existing cooperation programmes, to support sub-Saharan countries in offering concrete economic opportunities to rural communities and hopefully inverting current migratory trends.
Believing in the renewal process started by the City Administration and willing to help Agrigento to be the protagonist of a major event and to boost its cultural and touristic attractiveness, Weplan supported the city’s bid to become the 2020 Italian Capital of Culture. On January 15th 2018 the Ministry of Culture annaunced that Agrigento had been shortlisted among the 10 cities that reached the final phase of the process to elect the 2020 Italian Capital of Culture.