European Capital of Culture 2019

capitale della cultura 2019

Roberto Daneo prepared the first feasibility study for the candidature of Venice and the North-East to become European Capital of Culture 2019. The feasibility study was subsequently used by the Bid Committee as the basis for the bid strategy and candidacy dossier.

The study investigated the potential socio-economic impacts and the main critical variables for the success of the event and the maximisation of its legacy: theme definition, budget assumptions, activities to maximise the impact on enterprise and on tourism.

Milano’s World Expo 2015 candidacy

Roberto Daneo developed the project proposal to the City of Milan to bid to host the World Expo in 2015.

Having garnered support across a range of regional and national stakeholders, he was appointed Managing Director of the Bid Committee and led the city to victory in March 2008 when the BIE named Milano the host of World Expo 2015.

His main areas of responsibility were:

  • Developing the official candidacy dossier to be submitted to the BIE
  • Organising the official events of the candidacy (Enquiry Mission, fora for BIE delegates, official visits to the national authorities, etc.)
  • Supporting the international promotional campaign of the Milano bid
  • Developing relations with the BIE, national and local stakeholders